Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Room 6's First Swimming session at the pool! They all had a fun time from going on the bus to learning their swimming strokes!

                                            Walking to the swimming pool after the bus had
                                              dropped them off.
                                          On the bus to the swimming pool.  Very excited
                                           In the swimming pool getting reading to splash.

                                            Mrs Coyne encouraging Yorika to get into the pool.

Yumi being very brave in the water.

Tautala-Grace and Riston blowing bubbles.


                                            Yorika and Yumi having fun!

Ashton learning to float in the swimming pool.

                               Room 6 playing a game in the swimming pool

The children all having lots of fun in the swimming

Friday, February 14, 2020

Room 6 had lots of fun doing developmental this afternoon. They loved the dress up's, building blocks and mobilo.

                                            The girls sitting and talking about what they've chosen to play with.

                                            Yumi pretending to be Mini mouse!  Yorika choosing to do the dress up.

                                             Ashton playing with the blocks and building a train.

Heidettah dressed up like a beautiful princess.

Solomon dressed up as Batman and sitting on the bean bag.

                                            Rishon and Riston playing with the Mobilo making  a long train.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Room 6 2020

Welcome to our new school year, 2020!  This is Room 6.  We are a happy, bubbly group of New Entrants who love new learning. We are learning about school routines, our friends in class and our expectations.